Whole Body Math & Curriculum-linked creative movement residencies

Whole Body Math & Curriculum-linked creative movement residencies
Whole Body Math and Curriculum infused movement Residencies
Whole Body Math(prek -2nd grade) is an innovative math program that explores numbers and math through the physical body. We first explore new pathways and connections of movement through changing levels, tempo and some silly body parts as leaders. Students will be encouraged to move dynamically and creatively while crossing the mid-line & challenging their balance all while doing math!. Grades preK-2 will play moving math games to solidify numerical concepts.
Book connections: Giraffes Can't Dance, From head to Toe

Heidi recently created a residency with the Women's league in Harford centered around ramps and building (and moving) creatively with large foam blocks!
Book Connections: Mama Zooms, Roll Slope and Slide
Heidi can build a movement linked residency for your topic- inquire about what is possible!

Matica's performance was raucous and good natured, alternately exciting their audience and calming them with music. The children were delighted by the vast array of exotic instruments and, without knowing it, got a terrific geography lesson. We would happily welcome Matica back to Hartford Public Library again and we encourage other libraries to have them.

Auden di-Corcia-D'Adamato, Children's Librarian, Hartford Public Library